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The College of Nursing of Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology was established on August 1, 2015. When it was first established, it offered 2- and 4-year programs, as well as a 5-year junior college nursing program. In August 2016, the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Technology and the Institute of Radiological Sciences were incorporated, and the Graduate Institute of Long-Term Care began admissions on August 2017. The main goal of the hospital is to cultivate excellent health-care professionals who possess the spirit of the Tzu-Chi Philosophy. Students are expected not only to maintain the humanistic spirit of kindness, compassion, joy, and selfless giving as well as professional health-care knowledge and skills, but also to develop cross-disciplinary professionalism and research skills. Accordingly, they can become excellent health-care professionals with strong morals and skills.


The College offers people-oriented content when cultivating students, thereby establishing awareness of health promotion, disease prevention, the early detection of health problems and appropriate treatment, and limiting disability, as well as rehabilitation knowledge and skills during the different stages of life and of diseases (i.e., incubation, prodromal, illness, and convalescence). In addition, the College not only focuses on first-line patient care but also emphasizes health promotion, disease prevention, and rehabilitation during the various stages of disease. The College hopes to cultivate long-term care professionals who transcend the biomedical model and demonstrate the biopsychosocial one. The Department of Nursing cultivates basic and advanced care professionals, providing hospitals, communities, and long-term care institutions with the nursing staff they require. The Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Technology and the Institute of Radiological Sciences cultivate basic and advanced professionals in medical imaging and research. The Graduate Institute of Long-Term Care cultivates professionals in advanced long-term care practice and research. Through evidence-based care, research, innovation, and creative research and development, the College aims to improve developments in nursing, medical imaging, and long-term care, as well as build a holistic health care concept.